Southern California | Bicycle Attorneys

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Southern California | Bicycle Attorneys

Bike injuries can throw you off your game.
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3 Leading Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Los Angeles

The city of Los Angeles is an ideal location for bicycle travel when you consider the average temperatures and weather conditions. With so many bicycles on the road, you should expect there to be some risks for accidents between the bicycles and the cars. Unfortunately, drivers are not the only safety concern for bicyclists in the city.

There are a few common causes of bicycle accidents in Los Angeles, and understanding them can help you improve your safety.

1. Unexpected and inattentive turns

Motorists often overlook bicycles in the roadway, sometimes making turns immediately in front of a bicycle and causing a crash. This can lead to serious injuries for bicyclists riding in the bike lanes or coming to an intersection from the sidewalk. Be attentive to the movements of traffic around you at any intersection to reduce your risk of injury.

2. Road conditions

Despite the infrastructure investments, nearly 63 percent of the city’s roadways are in poor condition. This creates environments where bicyclists suffer injuries due to bent wheels, potholes in the road or crumbling asphalt.

3. Failure to yield

Most motorists operate their vehicles on the assumption that they have the right of way in a given situation. This often leads to a failure to yield to a bicyclist, which may cause an accident. Collisions of this nature with a vehicle can lead to serious injuries for bicycle riders.

These are three of the most common hazards for bicycle riders in the city of Los Angeles. Be attentive to your surroundings, yield to vehicles whenever possible and exercise caution on deteriorating roadways to protect yourself.

Photo of Max Draitser
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