Southern California | Bicycle Attorneys

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Southern California | Bicycle Attorneys

Bike injuries can throw you off your game.
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Should I get accident insurance?

As a bike rider, you do not legally have to carry insurance. Your auto insurance may even protect you in the event of an accident. However, you may also want to consider accident insurance.

Gear Junkie explains accident insurance will provide you coverage for medical costs following an accident. There are a few reasons you may want to get it if you ride your bicycle often, especially if you ride it in different areas or travel a lot.

More coverage

Typically, if you are in an accident with a vehicle that person’s auto insurance will pay for your related expenses. However, if you are in a hit and run or you caused the accident, then you will have to rely on any insurance you have.

Your regular health insurance may not cover a bike accident. If it does, you may not have enough coverage to handle the costs. Furthermore, accident insurance can help you pay for co-pays and deductibles on your other policy.

Types of coverage

Besides just paying for general treatment, your accident insurance will cover transportation costs to get to the hospital after an accident. It can cover you no matter where you travel as well, which makes it ideal if you like to go to different places to bike. You can get various coverage plans that include you and your family members. You can customize it to your needs to ensure it works the best for your situation.

Having accident insurance gives you extra coverage to ensure you will have insurance there to handle any medical expenses related to a crash.

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